Starkon donates hundreds of mouth masks to Argos Zorggroep and Zonnehuisgroep Vlaardingen.

With every donation it is good to see how happy you can make others with a relatively small gesture. Emotional experience through distressing situation. This donation had an even more distressing side effect, two weeks ago an employee of Starkon still had contact with an employee of this nursing home. Shortly afterwards she also became ill, due to and with this Covid-19 virus.

Mouth Masks - Zorg VlaardingenMouth Masks - Zorg Groep

We are all in this together

Starkon also works safely, healthily and tries to be productive during the COVID-19 outbreak.

We take care Together, do you want to help?
Then contact one or more nursing homes in your area and help… Ask what is needed and donate what you can!