Overhaul of complete ARMG Gantry Drive Train

Starkon supplies the needed expertise manpower to exchange the complete Gantry Drive Train of several automatic Stacking Cranes. Each Crane need completion within 10 working days. The cranes are only available when operation schedule of the terminal allows the downtime off the machine.

The solution

Working closely together with the clients own TOD department, STARKON supplies the needed manpower when the crane is available. As we believe in the statement ‘never change a winning team’ STARKON always supply the same team for the job.

Reducing the repair downtime of the cranes in the future. The project started in 2017 and expect completion half way 2019, when the project is completed all ARMG Cranes will be fitted with complete new and modified Gantry Drive Trains.

We are always available to explain the solutions that we provide. For any particular problem causing operational issues or delays and which requires urgent action, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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